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so you always want to apply it to three different types of schools you want to apply to your reach schools your reach schools are gonna be those schools that you're not necessarily confident that you can get into but you have a strong pool towards one you applied to Yale let's say but you are a 3.8 GPA student your SAT scores just aren't as strong enough and don't match what they outline as their requirements you can definitely apply to those schools and we call them reach schools by you can write a compelling enough in an essay that you might catch the admissions departments attention to read over your essay and say you know we want to we want to actually meet the student see what the student is about and bring them onto our campus we think they have enough value and enough of a story in their background that they could bring diversity to our campus something unique about them then you have your fit schools those schools that are right within range with your grades and your test scores then you have your back up school so you are determined to go to college that's where you want to be and so we always want to make sure that you have some sort of backup just in case so these might be your schools that perhaps don't need as high a GPA or highest scores as you have and those are called safeties or schools that you can be pretty sure will admit you we usually take the concept of applying for reach schools for best fit schools and for back-up schools and you'll have a whole range of opportunities with that mindset