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so it's been about 20 years since I applied to college but I think I remember it pretty pretty well it's obviously a very memorable final life so as you know from the other videos I was pretty set on applying to MIT so early on and this was back in the pre-internet days you know I as soon as it was available I contacted them they mailed me the actual packet that you used to fill out and I got it from the other schools that I applied to and you know obviously you fill out all the forms your data your standardized test scores you had to send copies from the College Board to those schools but then you know in when you're doing the application at that point that they one of the things that you have you know a lot of control over your grades and your standardized test scores are kind of already there are you know your essays and your recommendations and I remember the first pass that I took on my essay and it was you know I think I wrote something that I thought that they wanted to read and I had my sister review it and who was at that point an undergrad at Brown and she said Sal you know this this is a lame essay it's you know you just look like another one of the thousands of applications that they're gonna get you know I know you as a person you have a lot of personality you're sometimes a little eccentric let that come out in in in in DSC don't go too far but you know show who you are don't try to be someone that you're not either on either extreme and and so you know she's a you're you're a singer in a heavy metal band you know let them know about that I mean express yourself and so I did and once again I didn't go too far I didn't I didn't try to be something that I'm not I I tried my best to show what what I am and and I guess it did it did work out at the end you know and the other piece and very important piece is recommendations and for me my three recommendations a one came from a Miss Kennedy who was the horsehair advisor and the school for the school newspaper I was the art editor so I had worked a lot with her so she knew a lot about how I work my personality my strengths and weaknesses my other recommendation was mr. Hernandez who was our it was a math teacher but was also the advisor for the math team and I was the captain so he could write a lot about you know we've gone on trips together and gone to competition so he knew me really well and then my third recommendation was dr. Harris Antonia professor at University of New Orleans taken several classes with him and I'd also been a research assistant with him that previous summer so yeah I think it was it was it was really good to have people who who really knew me well and once again could show Who I am versus you know some some yeah so I think it worked out well in the end