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概述: 探索高校选项




I think it can be so overwhelming just the sheer number of schools when you open up a guidebook and the guidebook is more than a thousand pages long you just wonder where do you even start but I think students who keep an open mind can do really well on the process because there are so many wonderful institutions out there and probably schools that you might never have even heard of so if you're willing to go outside of your comfort zone if you're willing to go to a school that you maybe haven't heard of or in a part of the country that you're not really familiar with you can really open up many many doors for yourself I think the process starts let's start with academics and so a student thing a little bit about what they've done in the last three or four years for their academics the classes they've taken which classes they've really liked is it because of the teacher is it because of the subject is it because of the way it was taught and really starting to think about you know what they may want to study in college and to think about you know the way that that material is delivered it was at in lecture format do they do more group work did they do discussion based conversations and really thinking about what are the ways that they learn best right ultimately for me when I'm talking with students especially low-income students that are you know looking at this process with sort of you know not a lot of help in the process really thinking about how to put yourself in a position to be really successful in college so thinking through those sorts of things thinking through a little bit about community all right so what kind of community gonna be and who's in that community where are they from are they all from the local area are they from a national pool and an international pull if you're underrepresented student an international student those sorts of things is there population on that campus if that's important to you you know you can look at those sorts of factors extracurricular activities you know the things that you're doing now in high school are the things you want to continue to do so maybe you're a flute player and you want to continue to play in college although you think you may want to be a biology major or is there a school where you can still be in the band in the symphony but be a biology major ask questions anything that comes to your mind asks the question there's no question that somebody else hasn't thought about or that you should feel oh that's a stupid question I won't ask them that sometimes I think students become stuck on one school when in fact there is no one perfect school out there for them and in fact there are many many many schools that will be a good fit and so it's more about figuring out what's the personality of a school and how does it mesh with your personality and what it is that you hope to achieve keeping that open mind so that you will have many options and you'll ultimately end up at a place where you'll be really excited to be and where you will be able to have incredible experiences that will really broaden your perspective