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so while I was traveling in the fall I realized that not everyone really understood what they should be talking about when they tell us about what they do after class and I really that's what I that's the phrase I use what do you do when you go home from school so for some students that might mean significant family responsibilities if both of your parents are working and you're picking up your brothers and sisters from school and tutoring them on their homework please let us know that because we won't expect you to be doing you know all of the same things that someone who doesn't have those expectations you know placed on them are doing so I always suggest to students to really give us more when it comes to extracurriculars everything outside of the classroom is really what extracurricular means leadership positions are great because they show commitment but we want to make sure that students are doing things that are meaningful to them that they're spending time doing them and they're doing them well whatever it may be if you're spending your time by you know learning how to build Formula One racing cars because that's what you want to do and there's no club for that at school we still need to know that that's what you spend all your time doing especially if it's something that you're accomplished in what we also want to understand is how the student has really made an impact in their school community or greater community through the different entrants and passions that they have so admission is also going to look at your summers and what you know what have you done in your summers ninth grade summer probably not the most important summer they're gonna look at but certainly 10th grade 11th grade summers they're gonna start to take a look at what are you doing in that time frame that doesn't mean you have to go and spend a lot of money on a program to look impressive to a college my advice she would be you know think about something that you want to do in the summer that could be really exciting to you you know that maybe having a summer job you know learning how to manage your own money it may be there's an academic you know program that you want to take online or at a local college that could really be exciting you've always wanted to try you know architecture there's an opportunity to try that because there's no chance to do it in high school it doesn't have to be something fancy it has to be something that's really exciting to you ultimately what we want to see is depth what we want to see is commit and what we want to see is leadership in some of these different activities when we're looking at the extracurriculars that you are involved in it's important that you're giving us accurate descriptions of what they are so while you may know what it means to be leader of the organization for protecting animals you know we would like to know a little bit more about the specifics what does that mean what have you done have you how many hours do you spend on that so make sure to to tell us in detail what those extracurriculars actually look like in your day to day life