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so preparing for college starts as early as possible in high school first with your classes and class selection what we want to see is admission officers is your academic preparation over time that you have challenged yourself within within your academic environment within your high school environment and that's going to vary from school to school but that you've managed to somehow take advantage of the challenging opportunities that exist at your high school in terms of classes really we focusing mostly on the academic core again that you're prepared to to handle the rigors of college and that's something that we can see over a period of time over the years of high school the other piece that we also are focusing on not only is how well do you function and and and perform in a classroom setting but also what you do outside of the classroom your extracurricular involvement is just as important because for all of these college campuses we are residential communities we are active playgrounds for our students to pursue their interests and their passions whether that be in the arts or research or athletics or student government or community service just an example although there's a multitude of ways that you can get involved and so what we want to see is that Souness not only have the classroom component and the academic preparation but also have interests and hobbies and passions that are outside of the classroom experience again whatever those things may be we're looking for commitment there and we're looking for depth in those areas and then finally the other piece that I think makes students probably most nervous is this idea of standardized tests and I honestly say that colleges do not use standardized tests in a vacuum meaning we don't look at standardized tests alone to inform our decisions they really are used in conjunction with your academic record to corroborate what we're already seeing in your performance over a period of time it's really the only piece of the application that we use that gives us some sort of national barometer to understand your performance but it really is work is you used in conjunction with your academic record and that transcript so prepare for it definitely trying and take a couple prep you know at home prep exams or or get those guidebooks that you can see all over bookstores and online try and prepare it for it as best as you can but really focus on your academic preparation as well because it really is something that works in tandem with those things