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决定是否要重考 SAT




so let's talk about deciding whether if you want to retake the SAT or not if you're on the fence and you've only taken it once it might be worth retaking probably for two reasons a majority of students typically tend to improve this score on the second time around and colleges will generally look at your highest scores on the three different sections over a couple of different tests if necessary if you're still unsure there's a few questions to ask yourself when deciding so the first thing would be where do you stand with the schools that you're interested in one way of being able to do this is to look at the data that the colleges will publish so most schools will publish their SAT data in percentiles and what they do is give you a range so they generally give you the twenty-fifth percentile to the 75th percentile so what that means is 25% of their students fall below this range who were enrolled at the school and 25% fall above this range who enrolled at the school the numbers they give you is sort of the middle group of students and you can use that then to sort of benchmark where you are so if you are let's take an example say your critical reading score is a 500 the range at UCLA for the 25th percentiles of 560 and for the for the 75th percentile as a 690 so you're below that you're in that bottom 25% of the class so my advice to you would be as a study and really try to move that score up it would be a good good idea to retake that test if you scored a 600 on the critical reading for the SAT then you're certainly more competitive at UCLA you are between the twenty-fifth percentile and 75th percentile again you're more competitive but it's still maybe something a score that you may want to think about trying to push up if you haven't studied a lot and still feel like you could do better the SAT is more than just one section so obviously the UCLA has math scores and writing scores the math range for SAT for UCLA is a six ten to a seven forty the writing range is a five ninety to a seven ten and again you can put your school scores in those ranges and see how they match up so what a second question you may want to ask yourself is what was your initial score it's typically easy to bring up a very low score than to get the final few points on a higher score a third thing to maybe think about is you know your results compared to your expectations so you know if you did a lot of studying you took some practice exam and you did about the same as you did in the practice test you know that maybe where you're gonna be if you scored a lot higher on a practice test you may want to think about you know taking it again taking that second time may be more comfortable and you may be able to achieve the results you've done in practice tests and finally you know that that preparation piece is importance of making sure you spend time and really understanding the test to do the best you can do