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we're here with Sean Logan director of College counseling at Phillips Academy Sean one of the biggest things that students and also parents are really concerned about is how to pay for college and you know one of the things that excites students and parents the most is free money so scholarships and grants let's dig into that where does that money come from and how do students get sure so I think there's a couple different places that students can confine that kind of money one of the first ones might be merit-based aid and merit-based aid is typically given by the college for students who have specific talents and certain kinds of things so like what sort of talents would actually get you that kind of aid so there are schools that give out merit-based money based on really strong academics it might be on a musical ability or an artistic ability it could be on leadership or community service you know experiences you've had so there's there's multiple different ways that schools may give out that money and I imagine then that sports scholarships which are sort of some of the most well-known type of scholarships out there probably fall into this type of merit-based scholarship then correct and our schools the only place that give it or other also other organizations where students can apply to get some merit-based scholarships so there are definitely you know merit scholarships to come from private or not you know scholarships come from private companies and corporations and community groups as well and again they may be renewable they may be just for one year only but again there are many many places where students can go and find you know different opportunities to apply for these you know anywhere from maybe five hundred dollars to you know $30,000 fastweb.com is a free site that's a great place that students can look online for different types of opportunities and they generally tend to have a lot of local opportunities in their own community that their high schools probably have as well great and in addition to merit-based aid you mentioned there was from another place where a lot of money comes from talk me through that the other kind of aid you will find is mostly need-based aid and that's that's based on a very different set of criteria and that that that that need-based aid comes from sort of your family's income and families you know situation and based on off of that schools will also offer you know you know need-based aid for you so the way that that happens is schools are going to ask you to fill out some forms the first one is called the FAFSA the fa FSA which stands for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and remember that free part of that there are a couple of sites out there that will happily do the FAFSA for you and charge you for it so be sure you're on the right website fafsa.ed.gov that website is what you will use there's one other form that a lot of schools use and that's called the CSS profile and that's found on the College Board website but those are two forms that look at your family's finances in a little bit different way and based on those two forms a college will determine how much your family should be able to contribute to need-based a you know do your education so say that that those two forms determined that your family can pay ten thousand dollars towards a $60,000 education then the school is going to come up with you know that extra fifty thousand dollars to make it possible for you to come and how they do that hopefully a good portion of that will be you know scholarship a that you will not pay back great and so just to make sure I understand that you're gonna fill out the FAFSA and maybe the profile for some schools they're gonna give some sort of estimation as to what your family can pay and then the school is going to cover the rest right and remember that all those two forms do is determine an estimated Family Contribution that's all they do what the schools do with them varies greatly depending on their financial aid policies so again hopefully you know again if there's a $50,000 need that is still there the hope is that will be a school that will give the great majority of that in you know scholarship aid which will you you will not have to repay so this is where sort of that need those need-based scholarships come from correct once you thought the FAFSA it's coming sort of directly from the school the school is paying for it is that coming from the government is a combination probably a combination so there are federal funds that are that are available to students especially from lower-income backgrounds so that sort of like the Pell Grant the federal supplemental educational opportunity grant things like that correct and then the school is usually have their general scholarship fund that they also pull from as well great thank you so much