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so another thing to keep in mind when you are looking at the cost of college is student jobs and how readily available are they and how much will you be paid to do a student job one thing that is a little bit unknown to students a work-study job is something that happens during the school year so in your financial aid package they will they will put in a certain dollar amount that they want you to make but that will be made during the school year a work-study job though it can be a whole range of things and in schools do it different ways it could be you know working for a professor it could be filming games to the athletic department it could be working in a dining hall and then there are jobs that are kind of a substitute for a study hall you know there's some really rare libraries where you can basically sit by yourself maybe one person comes in the whole day and and pretty much just do your homework so I always encourage students when they're looking at their financial aid package when they're looking at a different kind of cost analysis how easily are you going to get a job and how much will you be paid to do it and then I guess the third thing is you know how active do you want that job to be considering the other commitments you're going to be having during your time at a university