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so we've already gone through a bunch of videos on how to make your application for college good how do you choose a college how do you figure out if you can pay for college through financial aid and other things and so we're now at the point that hopefully you've gotten into a few of these colleges and you're in a position to decide where you want to go and you know from my experience I remember you know as you just learn from other videos even when I was young I had heard of this thing called MIT and I wanted to go there but it was at you know the end of your senior year where you actually do have your options in front of you and then the reality is okay I'm not just gonna go to someplace because I heard of it or because you know I heard it's good for this or that I should really feel like it's a place where I can live and thrive for four years and so I encourage you to talk to other people who graduated from that school learn what you know not just what it's like academically what's it like culturally what's the campus like what's the vibe like I encourage you know those brochures actually you know sometimes you might say oh there's just marketing material from the University and that's what they are but they do tell you a lot about what they view themselves as how what their culture is if if you have the resources to you know I I didn't at the time but if you can visit the school if it especially if it's out of town try to if you don't have the resources I hear there's now there's often times these fly-in programs where the school will provide resources for people to visit and make sure it's a it's a good fit for for them so you know I definitely I definitely if if I was in the in that position again I would definitely have taken up the schools on that and you know once you make that decision figuring out the school where you're good fit where you feel like you're gonna be able to spend at least the next four years then it's time to transition and you know I remember that a ton on one level it's kind of the most exciting moment in your life and the scariest I mean you know there's a few other moments in your life that probably compete with it when you're getting married you're the birth of your first and actually second or third child as well but yeah these are all exciting moments but this is one of them yeah and and and you know it's the first you're getting real independence with real independence comes all sorts of possibilities but some of which are scary new responsibilities as well and you know what I remember when I was kind of going through that transition it was helpful I had an older sister I remember right when I you know I actually flew from New Orleans which is where I grew up to Providence even though I was going to school in Boston because my sister was at Brown University in Providence and so I spent a little time living with her and actually that was a really good way to kind of even ease into they're like what's it like to be a young person living by myself how do I do my own laundry how do I cook for how do I boil ramen do all this what's a meal plan and you know what but then I then I went to campus orientation and what I and my sister told me this and I tried to really live this what when I went through orientation and the beginning of my freshman year is it's a chant it was a chance to kind of be myself but also redefine who I was you know in high school there's all these hey well maybe you know I'm not in that crowd or I'm in that crowd but in in college you know I I went with a mindset I think was a very healthy mindset of like look everyone here is new everyone here is dying to make friends I'm gonna go out of my comfort zone walk up to people be nice to them talk to them smile at them and build a friend circle and talk to people that I might have been intimidated by or that I might have not all you know I know as much about or have as much in common with and I think you know by the more I did that the more I just it just made my my college experience that much better so you know we're kind of at the end of this how do you go to college thing this this how do you go to college journey and it's a super exciting one I envy a lot of you all for being in the position that you're in it's a really neat time of your life but on another level where we're kind of at just the beginning of your adventure so so hope you enjoyed this