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hey grammarians we've talked about prepositions of time and we've talked about prepositions of space and I couldn't come up with a cute name for these because the the following five prepositions are examples of what we would call prepositions that have connotations for neither time nor space some of them do have time connotations and some of them do have physical connotations and what we're going to talk about today however are the uses of these these words these prepositions that don't have anything to do with time or space they just have they encode other relationships let's get to it I'll show you what I mean when we say about it can mean you're talking about a specific subject so I could say to you you know tell me about yourself the word buy can be used to denote agency or you know doing this you'll see what I mean by that I mean we can figure out who is responsible for something with the use of the word buy the book was written by Sudhir so who did the thing Sudhir did the thing he's the the person with agency is the doer the word Ford denotes use so if you were to ask me for example uh David what's a wood chipper used to do I would say it's for chipping wood for turning wood into chips its purpose is chipping of has this connotation of belonging or being part of a place so we could talk about the great green dragon of Inverness Inverness is a place it's in Scotland are there dragons there I don't know I've never been and with means you know together or part of there goes that snail with the painted shell you know which indicates that the the snail and the shell are part and parcel they're together so yeah so these prepositions can be used for all sorts of things I understand this can be confusing the prepositions are probably the most complicated part of English and the problem is you just need to memorize them but the good thing is that there aren't that many as I've said before prepositions are a closed group we don't mint new ones so you don't have to be constantly trying to collect more ones or pick them up or figure them out you have a limited set that you need to master and the way to do that is to read and listen and talk a lot you can do that you can learn anything Dave it out