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三种基本句式包括陈述句(陈述观点)、疑问句(提出问题)和祈使句(命令指示)。我们将会通过例句来学习每一种! .




hello grammarians hello Paige hi David so we have three different sentence varieties that we're gonna talk about today here are their three flavors flavor number one declarative sentences flavor number two interrogative sentences and flavor number three imperative sentences those are all pretty long and Wibbly words seriously but we will address each one of them in turn Paige if you please what is a declarative sentence declarative sentences the type of sentence that just states a fact or an opinion I suppose but it just it just makes a statement so that would be something like it is a beautiful day it is a beautiful day Paige we can also use declarative sentences to just get across any kind of information this is what we call exposition writing yeah you know so we could say lavender hated baseball you know you could start a short story with that great island you - just a fact about about lavender it's a fact about lavender so declarative sentence is a statement just straight-up yeah an interrogative sentence is a question so it asks a question so it's just a fancy word for a question right okay so an example of an interrogative sentence would be you know where did you go last night right or how is he still singing that note I have no idea incredible breath control so that's that's what an interrogative question is right it's like being interrogated that's like a similar word to interrogative it's just having a lot of questions asked like really aggressively yeah it's not a very positive thing Paige what did you do with the cheese Paige why are you still eating the cheese Paige I know you saw the cheese finally the third kind of sentence we want to talk about today is the imperative an imperative is a command right so when you tell someone to do something so a command like page follow that bunny thing the bunny stole the cheese yeah so this is one of those sentences that doesn't have a subject that is literally spoken out loud right it's just implied you know if if you're saying that to me I know that I am the subject right so it's you follow that bunny right but the you is just not spoken or if you're not into bunny following you know something like remember to wash the dishes you're still you're being commanded to remember yeah yeah so yeah that's our that's those are our three sentence types yeah declarative is a statement interrogative is a question and imperative as a command so page I think we can recast our slogan in each of these three types of sentence okay so okay so declarative right that's that's what it usually is declarative form is you can learn anything okay we can make it a question so interrogative so can you learn anything right the answer is yes and the imperative we want to make it a command would be what page learn anything yeah so you can do any of those three sure David out page out