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复合并列句是具有非独立或者从属句的并列句。Paige 和 Rosie 将在视频中为你介绍他们的用法以及如何识别。 




hello grammarians hello Rosie hi Paige so in this video we're gonna talk about compound complex sentences so we just covered complex sentences in the last video which is where you've got a simple sentence or one independent clause and then that's accompanied by at least one dependent clause so the compound complex sentence is a little bit different mm-hmm in this one you have a compound sentence which is more than one independent clause and also at least one dependent clause okay so it's like there's compound and there's complex and this is a combination of both of them that's right right okay so compound complex takes the more than one independent clause from a compound sentence and the dependent clause or more than one from a complex sentence and puts them together so you have at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause I say at least because you can have more than one or more than two of either of those but it has to be at least that right so rosy just to make sure this all makes sense can we get an example of a compound complex sentence after the storm passed I went outside and I picked flowers that's lovely okay so I went outside and I picked flowers are both independent clauses ignoring after the storm passed if we just had I went outside and I picked flowers that's a compound sentence that's two independent clauses so then we add after the storm passed which is a dependent clause and that makes it compound complex we have at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause so in this case exactly two and exactly one Rosie can you tell me about your friend Alberto in compound-complex sentence please sure my friend Alberto well you'll see though he has a crippling walnut allergy Alberto bravely walked through the Walnut Grove but he made sure to wear long sleeves that's a good call yeah he's smart yes market so again if we just if we just say Alberto bravely walked through the Walnut Grove but he made sure to wear long sleeves that's a compound sentence there's two independent clauses Alberto bravely walked through the Walnut Grove is one and then the second one is but he made sure to wear long sleeves but then again we add a dependent clause at the beginning though he has a crippling walnut allergy that is what makes it compound complex it has elements of compound the two independent clauses and it has an element of complex the dependent clause but rosy these are both the minimum number these sentences both have the minimum number of each independent and dependent clauses so can we see something maybe that has like more clauses yeah sure well let's take a look at this first sentence we have I think we can add I think we can add a dependent clause okay let's give it a try after the storm passed I went outside and I picked flowers because they were beautiful okay I see right so this is a case where we see we can have more than one dependent clause if we want to write that I know I keep saying this but like two independent clauses and one dependent clause are the minimum for a compound-complex sentence it can have more and it still qualifies as compound-complex so that's compound-complex sentences they are like compound and that they have more than one independent clause and they're like complex in that they also have dependent clauses you can learn anything page out froz out