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Arhat (Luohan)

Met curator Denise Leidy on ugliness and divinity in Arhat (Luohan) dating from China’s Liao dynasty,  c. 1000. 

This nearly life-size sculpture and its companion piece are part of a group of about sixteen works that have been known in the West since 1913. They are thought to have come from a cave in Yixian, in Hebei province, and they represent arhats (or luohans, as they are known in China). Arhats were thought to have achieved an advanced (although not perfected) state of spiritual development, and they eventually became recognized as protectors of Buddhism. Both works are justifiably acclaimed as masterpieces of ceramic sculpture, both for their size and for the quality of their glaze, a three-toned or colored glaze known as sancai. The discovery of an ancient kiln in a village near Beijing in 1983 and its subsequent excavation in 1985 yielded much information that could be used to date these extraordinary sculptures. It seems reasonable, therefore, to date the more technically challenging, life-size works slightly later, probably to the late tenth or eleventh century.

View this work on metmuseum.org.

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完美在这名可怜的年迈僧人身上达到了极致。 他瘦骨伶仃,他行将入土。他 在冥想时似乎也疲惫不堪。 他的面容相当引人注目 - 颇有些自省的姿态 - 远 称不上悦目。我之所以被它如此吸引, 是因为它似乎对于如何刻画宗教人物 这个世界性问题有一个与众不同的回答 历来的看法是,高度的灵性体现于健美的形体。 你在某种程度上被他吸引,因为他是一个凡人。 它看起来像 是你可能熟识、可能与之攀谈的某人。 我的意思是,如果你看一下他的胸口,会发现那里凸显出了骨骼。 他的手也布满筋脉。他与我们并无二致。 有几个线索表明这是一个佛教徒。他以 我们许多人冥想时的姿势盘坐。他的 头发似乎被剃掉了一部分,正是僧尼们的模样。 他有很长很长的​​耳垂,这是一种传统的印度手法,用于表现超脱的灵性。 他的一只手拿着卷轴。这 可能是一部经书。 他坐着的方形岩石周边有这些洞孔, 而这个,我想,应该是要告诉你,他是身处山顶,或在某些 孤绝避世的地方。 鉴于它被创作于公元前1000年,它实际上是一座巨大的 泥塑。它几乎和真人一样大小。我觉得 他代表着某个历尽沧桑的人, 人性在这里纤毫毕现。 它乍看上去会令人觉得难以接受, 因为我猜想大多数人都一直将神性 在某种程度上理想化了。你不是被他的魅力或光鲜的外表俘获 你会被吸引,是因为他强大,也因为他似乎在诉说着 灵魂的开拓,但或许你必须要想一下才能明白。