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Liang Kai, Poet Strolling by a Marshy Bank

Met curator Shi-yee Liu on illusory nature in Liang Kai’s Poet Strolling by a Marshy Bank, first half of the 13th century.

Liang Kai served as a painter-in-attendance at the Song Imperial Painting Academy in Hangzhou from about 1201 to 1204; he relinquished that prestigious position to live and paint at a Chan (Zen in Japanese) Buddhist temple. Like his best-known paintings, preserved mostly in Japanese collections, this small landscape conveys a spiritual intensity. Under the great cliff, in the stillness of the landscape, a solitary figure meditates on the illusory world before him.

View this work on metmuseum.org.

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此小扇画作 由画家梁楷作于公元十三世纪前半叶 此画今裱贴于一画册内 画中,一诗人踱步水渚 对岸,长堤悠悠 远处山峰,轮廓分明 此作品淡雅、空幻 虽主题传统 然其手法独到。彼时, 画中留大量空白者,屡见不鲜 如若细细观之,画中隐隐见一斜线 斜线之后,云雾之下,实为一巨石 我以为,此乃隐喻手法 映衬石下踱步人之沉重内心 画中人物常解作诗人屈原 原忠君爱国,时乃朝廷重臣,然遭人谗害,放逐远逝 后自溺汨罗江,以表忠心 梁楷悬 巨石 于屈原之上 以表其万千思绪 对此梁楷可谓感同身受 梁曾任朝廷画匠,然好景不长 最终离任,隐身庙宇,潜心修画 笔锋到处,万物皆空 其立意万物迷惑之表象 求索云雾背后之真实