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Mahakala, Protector of the Tent

Met curator Kurt Behrendt on darkness in Mahakala, Protector of the Tent by the Sakya Order of Central Tibet, c. 1500.

Mahakala, the fierce emanation of the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, is one of the most popular guardians in the Tibetan Buddhist pantheon. He is especially revered by the Sakya Order, and the presence of Mahasiddhas and Sakyapa teachers framing the deity makes clear that this protector was commissioned for a Sakya monastery.

Mahakala tramples a corpse and holds a flaying knife and blood-filled skull cup, signifying the defeat of all impediments to enlightenment. He wears a profusion of gold and bone ornaments, and coiled around his belly is his Brahmin cord of a live green snake. Beneath it hangs a garland of severed heads. In the crooks of his elbows he supports a gandi gong, used to summon monks to assemblies and a symbol of his vow to protect the Buddhist university of Nalanda. His principal companions, Palden Remati and Palden Lhamo, appear to his left, and Legden Nagpo and Bhutadamara appear to his right. To the lower left is Brahmarupa, blowing a thighbone trumpet.

This tangka is one of the earliest and grandest of this subject, and marks the beginning of a transfer from what was largely a mural tradition to large-scale cloth paintings. Although commissioned for a Tibetan monastery, the work is strongly Nepali in style and composition, and can be related to paintings in the fifteenth-century Kumbum at Gyantse monastery, believed to have been painted under Newari direction.

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大都会艺术博物馆 创建




这是一幅唐卡 约于公元1500 年在西藏中部制作 中部天神玛哈嘎拉在火焰晕光中浮现 一个在你恶梦中出现的魔鬼。在佛教中, 玛哈嘎拉的意思是「大黑」或「黑暗」 你也曾拿着一根蜡烛, 走进一座漆黑的寺院中 看见这座中尊的某些部分 从一片漆黑中浮现出来 他露出獠牙,站在一具尸体上 手持一把刀和一个布满血块鲜血的颅骨 周围环绕着大群恶魔 挥着武器起舞 挥着武器起舞 而群狗、胡狼 和乌鸦 正在吞噬尸体 令人吃惊的是,许多值得尊敬的僧侣 就坐在周围 文本指出 不懂尊敬佛陀的弟子 将被玛哈嘎拉活生生吃掉 他是寺院和佛学的守护者 能毁掉任何阻挡他们悟道的障碍 最深处的欲望 和依恋使人类受世间束缚:贪和欲 更确切地说,我执 斩断我执的想法与砍下这些头颅连在一起 它的尺寸几乎像真人大小 仅仅因为它的尺寸 对大家产生深远影响 底稿画得很仔细 且比例精确 如果画像构图处理不当 禅修者心理上就受到伤害 在某种意义上,正是这种思想境界 使我们无法理解真正的形式 它不仅抓住我的注意力, 还拉我到另一现实 对我起到很大的阻吓作用 这种张力是非常壮美的 直视他的双眼 面对他的好斗 可引发起你所有的焦虑和恐惧 与此同时,也有种让人安稳的力量 像这座中尊一样的法力无边陪你左右 他是一个凶猛的伙伴 那恐惧感或未知感使他 严肃庄重、意义非凡