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我们用关系代词用来连接从句,例如 "the man *who sold the world* is coming over for dinner".可汗学院语法专家David为您讲解.




grammarians we're gonna talk about relative pronouns today and what relative pronouns do is they link clauses together specifically independent and dependent clauses and if you don't know what independent and dependent clauses are that's okay just suffice it to say that these pronouns allow you to staple phrases together for example in the sentence the man who sold the world is coming by on Tuesday the pronoun who is the relative pronoun there it's linking the independent clause the man is coming by on Tuesday to the dependent clause sold the world the relative pronouns of English are who whom who's that and which and we use them all for different things so we can use who whom whose and that to refer to people and we can use who's that and which to refer to things let me show you you could say the salad that I bought was Wilton but at the same time I can also use that in this sentence the man that I saw smiled see I'm using that to refer to him I could also use who but the word which however does not play very nicely with people in the sentence the witch who cast the spell is kind we could use either the witch who cast the spell of the witch that cast the spell because I both that and who work with people but which strangely does not so we couldn't say for example the witch witch owns a cat is cruel that's just not how the language shook out which is not a relative pronoun that applies to people these are the relative pronouns of English this is broadly how they work and I'm going to get into more specifics in following videos you can learn anything David out