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主语是一个句子中发起行为的名词短语。在“Jake ate cereal”这句话中,Jake就是主语。cereal是直接宾语,因为主语的行动直接作用在cereal上。间接宾语作为动作的接收方,不是句子的必须组成部分。在“Jake gave me some cereal”这句话中,“me”是间接宾语,“我”从Jake那儿got了cereal。 




hello chram Aryans hello Rosie hi David so today we're going to be talking about subject direct object an indirect object identifying those within a sentence but first I suppose we should figure out what those things are so we've talked about what subjects are before but let's review it again really quickly so a subject is a noun or a pronoun that performs the verb in a sentence so in the sentence Chris ate cereal Chris is the subject because Chris is the noun or pronoun that is performing the verb ate Rosie what is a direct object so a direct object is the main the main thing in the sentence that is being acted upon so in this sentence Chris ate cereal cereal would be the direct object because it's the thing being acted upon it's being eaten so every sentence has to have a subject so subject is critical but direct objects and indirect objects less so so we could all you know as a sentence we could just have Chris ate right but if we want to bring in this direct object we can say Chris ate cereal so who's doing the eating Chris what is the thing that was eaten cereal so this seems like it would cover most interactions between objects and people but then we have this other thing indirect object what's that about so an indirect object is is often it's kind of signifying a recipient of of something so it's it's like another thing in the sentence that might be acted upon so let's see if we can come up with some examples for that because it because we have this direct object which is this thing being acted upon and then the indirect object is also being acted upon but it's being acted upon in like a giving way let's see if we can figure this out all right so we have this sentence straightforward Alethea through a frisbee so we've got subject here and we've got direct object here who's doing the throwing Alfia what did she throw a frisbee but what if we have this sentence Althea threw me a frisbee well so we know from context because we have the word frisbee in here that I'll Thea is not hurling me bodily right she's not chucking me across a field for a dog to catch but we do know that the subject of the sentence is elfia and we know that the direct object of the sentence is frisbee but where is that frisbee going well it's going to me so okay so we've got this is the direct object this is the subject and this is the indirect object so I am the me the pronoun me is the recipient of the direct object the frisbee Rosie would you read me this sentence please Wanda gave Louie a gift card that's very nice of her so okay so walk me through this then what is going on in this sentence what are the relationships between the components of this sentence okay so we have two people and the first the first person listed is the subject of the sentence because she's doing an action right she's doing the giving right then we have a direct object which is a gift card okay that's the object that she gave yeah that's something she's giving she has a direct relationship with that but she the gift card has a recipient and that's Louie and he's the indirect object I think another way to identify whether or not a word is the indirect object in a sentence is to see if you can pull it out and stick it on the end of the sentence as it currently stands with a preposition and see if it still makes sense right so so this in this case - Louie is no longer what we would traditionally consider an indirect object so if we've got Wanda gave a gift card to Louie right Wanda is the subject gift card is the direct object and then we can see - Louie is now this adverbial prepositional phrase that modifies gave it's the manner in which she gave it to Louie and if we switched it out if we said Wanda gave Louie to gift card that doesn't make sense at all so to review the subject is the noun or pronoun that performs a verb in a sentence the direct object is the thing that's acted upon and the indirect object is the recipient of that direct object it's the the thing that gets the direct object in the case of Althea threw me a frisbee the me is the indirect object in the case of Wanda gave Louie giftcard Louie is the indirect object he gets the gift card I get the frisbee right that is subjects direct object and indirect objects you can learn anything Dave it out Rosie up