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hello grammarians hello Paige hi David I say hello to you and I say hello to the grammarians that was an interesting thing to say yes because there's a compound sentence I see so there's this distinction made in grammar between simple and compound sentences and today Paige you and I are going to cover those differences let's do it so a simple sentence is really just what it says on the tin a simple sentence consists of one subject and one predicate and that's it right so in the sentence I bought my friends some candy all right we got our one subject I and then we have our one predicate Walt my friend some candy mm-hmm now all of this together is what we'd call an independent clause I don't want to hit that too hard right now but you know when you have this set of subject and a predicate together and it can be a sentence that's called an independent clause I'm not even gonna write that down yeah but a compound sentence is basically two or more simple sentences joined together mm-hmm so that would be two subjects plus two predicates or more to three a bajillion sure that would be a very long sentence to read but you could do it it would be a very very compound sentence yeah so I visited the beach and I got a really bad sunburn mm-hmm when we're looking at this this is really two sentences together joined by the comma and this and right so we have our subject I visited the beach I got a really bad sunburn and we have our two predicates I visited the beach got a really bad sunburn so the subject in both these cases is I right but it's sort of separate it's like I am doing two different actions correct right what's important is like even if it's the same subject if it's I both times well I don't know how to say this but just like if it weren't like I visited the beach and got a really bad sunburn then it would be a simple sentence that's simple so okay so page so I'm looking at this and I see I twice what if I wanted to condense this sentence further okay what does that give us is this a simple sentence or a compound sentence because this looks like what you would call a compound predicate right since since there's only one subject in this sentence there's only I and it's only said once right you don't have a visited the beach and I got a really bad sunburn that whole thing visited the beach and got a really bad sunburn is you're right it is a compound predicate but I could but what you're saying is I couldn't divide this up into two sentences unless I put in another subject right you can say I visited the beach but and that can be a sentence on its own but you can't say and got a really bad sunburn as its own sentence okay so both of these things are simple so this has this is even though this is a compound predicate it's technically one predicate right it's it's and even if I'd written page and I visited the beach and it got a really bad sunburn that would still be a compound subject but it wouldn't be two sentences squished together it would be one kind of long sentence right you can have a compound subject or a compound predicate but that doesn't make it a compound sentence what makes it a compound sentence is you have two parts that can stand on their own as individual sentences and they're sort of being put together so let me change what I wrote here don't you just say instead of two subjects and two predicates because I think that's confusing in light of this information let's just say it is two simple sentences right or two independent clauses which you know that and if you don't never fear we'll cover it and you can learn anything David out