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比较职业学校,2 年制大学和4 年制大学




we're here with Sean Logan director of College counseling at Phillips Academy and Sean did Admissions at Williams Occidental Harvard and Stanford as well as working with several community-based organizations Sean thanks so much for being here today happy to be here thanks Michelle we want to get started with one of the first question that students often face in the college admissions process and that is sort of vocational programs versus two-year programs versus four-year programs what are they and sort of what do they offer well let's go ahead and get some with vocational programs what are they all about so vocational schools tend to teach specialized trades things like you know plumbing heating potentially automotive skills and so forth and so students who are looking at this area coming out of high school tend to be wanting to focus in have a real specific interest want to get that training the training may be anywhere between six months and potentially two years and then they come out with very applicable skills in a particular area great and Sean how does the vocational program differ from a two-year or four-year college degree right so in two-year and four-year degree is a two-year degree is an associate's degree that's generally what you get when you finish a two-year program and when you finish a four-year program you typically add a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science so a BS or a BA you know in a two-year program this sort of strengths the VAT tend to be they give students a little bit of flexibility you can go part-time you can go full-time it allows students who they need to work or may just not be sure that higher education is the direction they want to go in it lets them sort of take some courses without making a bigger financial commitment right away so it has that you can get more specialized degrees you can come out ready to be a dental hygienist or going to law enforcement different things like that or you can take more of a broader program and maybe one of them transfer on to a four-year school so you can take the two years that you got say you were studying biology is something you're really interested in and then apply that towards a four-year degree so you're already two years into it and you have two years left at a school that has a four-year degree okay so then why would students choose friends let's go to a four-year degree directly rather than starting with the two-year degree it's going to give you a bit more I think flexibility and probably more options so usually they have a broader curriculum at these kinds of schools it allows you to sort of have other options as well so things like you know arts music theater athletic opportunities that are there potentially abroad opportunities as well and 4-year degree can be in a variety of different areas and those areas though will give you that degree after four years will give you more flexibility most employers now look at a sort of a four-year degree as sort of the starting point in their hiring process great and now their specific careers you can think of words about four-year degree is required so the beauty of a four-year degree is it's going to really I think prepare you in a lot of different areas things like graduate programs in medical and medical school law school business school those sorts of things it also allows you to go into you know a whole host you know probably the the spectrum of jobs that are out there a four-year degree is sort of that sort of starting point to get into those different areas so if it's in technology if it's in education if it's in law if it's in medicine if it's in whatever you know that's sort of the degree that's really going to give you that sort of starting points great and so it sounds like if I'm understanding correctly if the four-year degree really gives you a lot of flexibility after you finished whereas the two degree is really flexible in part while you're doing the degree itself it is and it's going to be a little bit more limiting there won't be as many job opportunities you know there's lots of job opportunities that are that are very much suited for an a a degree but but there's going to definitely limit in terms of all this other opportunities that are really looking for a four-year degree great Sean thank you so much thanks